I’m skilled at zeroing in on the honest expression of USER NEEDS with multiple research methods and collaborative design thinking workshops and design sprints.
With my academic background in human-computer interaction, I bring to any enterprise a RICH PORTFOLIO OF PAST EXPERIENCES with dashboard analytics, workflow wizards, and enterprise content management.
I LOVE DISCOVERING simplified ways to navigate and use these complex systems, data sets, and process flows. And I am obsessed with the bleeding edge of technical innovation.
What does Strategic UX Design & Research Leadership look like?
1. Design Maturity — It looks at the level of product and design maturity within an organization, and chooses a path forward based on what is possible, reasonable, tactical and strategic. . .
2. Experienced UX Staffing — . . . factored against the number of experienced UX leads within a organization who can mentor and review the baseline quality of junior designers, and initiate and guide stakeholders through a Double Diamond design process, rather than reacting to feature requests or usability fires.
3. Tactical Quick Wins — It zeros in on key points of research or design intervention that have the greatest potential to “move the needle” in terms of quick wins and low-hanging fruit.
4. Strategic Long Term Vision — Senior strategic vision and leadership is essential for complex problems, systems-level thinking that precedes Agile chunking, smart CMS publishing models, dynamic AI and data-driven approaches, multi-level platform integrations and redesigns.
I get excited about . . .
- Incorporating AI and machine learning into a more powerful, dynamic, and conversational UX
- Exploiting semantic markup and triggers into just-in-time dynamic displays and messaging
- Integrating CMS-driven design templates with data and analytics dashboard publishing