Tensions Between Academic and Corporate Research: Critical Directions for the Future
This roundtable examines tensions between academic and corporate approaches to Internet research. By creating a space for a critical reflection about the future direction of academic research, this roundtable seeks to overcome the too oft-held assumption that the term critical reinforces a chasm between disinterested academic research and corporate research is instrumental and therefore suspect. Drawing on the personal perspectives across a range of researchers employing very different perspectives, methods, scales, and contexts, but whose careers have all bridged the academic/applied gap, this roundtable seeks not consensus, but a heightened awareness of challenges facing the research agenda for scholars associated with the Association of Internet Researchers.
Annette N. Markham, Ph.D. Senior Development Specialist, E-Learning, Wisconsin Department of Corrections; Senior Research Fellow, Internet Research Ethics, Center for Information Policy Research, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
danah boyd, Microsoft Research
Holly Kruse, Assistant Professor, Communication, University of Tulsa
Christine Boese, Ph.D. Independent Researcher. Information Architect, Razorfish
John Monberg, Assistant Professor, Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures, Michigan State University
Internet Research 10.0 – Internet: Critical is the 10th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), an international association for students and scholars in any discipline in the field of of Internet studies, held 7-10 October 2009, in Milwaukee, WI, USA.